Bam! -- Gives target a swift kick in the nuggets.

Bickety Bam! -- Temporarily weakens an object or the supporting part of a structure. 

Disco! -- Causes a temporary strobe light and mirrorball effect.  Lasts about twenty seconds.

Hoochie Snoochies! -- Spontaneously transports target five feet to the right.  Cannot pass through solid objects.

Nega Nega Nooch! -- Disrupts gathering magickal energies.  

Pow! -- Gives a kick to the back of target's knee.

Smack! -- Administers a hard slap to the back of the target's head.  

Snoochie Boochie Noochies! -- Ignites a small, match-like flame at caster's fingertip. 

Snoogins! -- Places a low, temporary obstruction in front of target's feet.  

Stinkpalm! -- Creates a lasting and hard-to-remove (not to mention extremely foul) scent on the target's hand.  Sure to be noticed by anyone they encounter.  

Zap! -- Delivers a small, electric shock.