The fruit of countless hours spent studying the art of sorcery, ranging from his first spells as a beginner to those of a master sorcerer.

Carrier Pigeon -- Creates a bird capable of homing onto a specified person or place anywhere in Shadow.  Rather than carrying a small, easily lost piece of paper, the message is simply spoken in front of the bird, who will repeat it upon reaching its set destination. 

Confession -- Rather than a forceful spell that compels people to tell the truth, it simply lessens inhibitions much the way a confessional or a couple of drinks will do, making people more likely to discuss what's on their mind.

Drizzle/Downpour -- A spell that causes rainfall of varying degrees.  While most variations can only be cast in an outdoor setting, 'drizzle' has been known to work indoors when enough humidity is present.

Dust for Prints -- the result of Lee's fascination with crime novels, fictional and otherwise.  The spell places a light dusting of powder in up to a dozen indicated points throughout a room, making fingerprints visible.  Of course, it would be pretty much useless without the accompanying spell...

Fingerprint Match -- Cast on a previously collected print, this spell will cause it to alert the caster when he is in the presence of the print's owner.

Fizzle -- Creates a field around the target that causes magickal energy to 'fizzle out'.  Must be used with caution because while it will protect the target from unwanted magickal influence, it will also prevent them from casting any of their own.

Fly on the Wall -- Creates a small insect that can easily go unnoticed in most settings, and through which Leland can hear what is said nearby.

Freeze -- Nothing to do with the cold, it holds a target motionless.

Freshen Up -- Basically a 'shower in a bottle'.

Gust of Wind -- Exactly that.  From a gentle breeze to a gale force wind.

Jolt -- Kind of like drinking several cans of the soft drink for which it is named.

Kevlar -- A magickal shield against physical attacks.  It surrounds the target and protects them on all sides.  No good for mental/magickal attacks.

Rain of Fire -- Exactly what it sounds like.  Another Biblically inspired spell.

Reading Light -- A small light, enough to read by, that follows the caster.

Reenactment -- Follows the last 'signatures' of people in a given room or area, thus revealing the most recent events to occur there.

Sharp Dressed Man -- Mostly for Mom's benefit.  Summons/creates clothing fitting the current occasion, be it formal wear or a rain coat and hip waders.

Summon Latte --  Hey, sometimes you're just too involved in a book to call for a servant.

Summon/Return Book -- Does exactly that.   Okay, so Lee reads a lot, but he doesn't remember everything.  If he happens to get into a spot away from his library and needs a bit of information, he is able to summon the proper book in which to look it up.  Once done, the book returns to its place on the shelf.

Ten Plagues --  Many of the books on Leland's shelves are religious texts, which he considers some of the most helpful insight into the workings of humanity.  The Bible of Shadow Earth is chock full of Nasty Things to Do to People, some of which he has adapted into spell form for mostly experimental reasons.  The spell only unleashes one of its namesakes at a time and there are some that Lee is unlikely to ever use, such as Slaying the First Born.  His mean streak just isn't that wide. The rest are:  Water to Blood; Swarms of Frogs, Gnats, Flies and Locusts; Hail; Darkness; Boils; and Livestock Disease.   Lynchpins include which plague is called and the area which it will affect.

Vanish -- Plain old invisibility spell.  Includes clothing and any objects carried by the subject on which it is cast, hence avoiding the whole 'reappearing completely starkers' problem.