By Jules
Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves
Of all these demons haunting us
To keep us company?
Won't it be odd to be happy like we
Always thought we're s'posed to feel
But never seem to be?
-- "War on Drugs", Barenaked LadiesYou're never too old to rock and roll if you're too young to die.
-- Jethro TullThe Faithful and its sequels have been taken off the site, as I am currently working on something original for which I have shamelessly ganked some of my own characters.
Thanks very much to everyone who has read and responded to these stories. Watch this space for news (and shameless plugging) of the work mentioned above.
If you'd like to get a hold of me for whatever reason (bill collectors please ignore), use the address below:
gi_jaws@_removemefirst_hotmail.comStories by CCL can still be found here.