Everybody Hurts |
by CCL |
This story was written as
part of the AoVD
Lyric Wheel Project. The theme for the wheel was "Disaster."
Lyrics were provided by FreeSpirit. Dedications:
To Lilith who gave me the great idea. And to FreeSpirit who sent killer
lyrics. Also major thanks to Shiv who saved my ass when my puter crashed
at the end of this thing and the file got corrupted. He saved the bits I
IM'd him and really helped me out of a jam! To Dallas, who bravely read
this thing and told me what she thought. Was afraid she was gonna kill me
for what I did to Vince. Warning: HEAVY
ANGST ALERT!!! Grab the tissues ladies, you just might need them and I
don't want you blaming me if you cry and short out your keyboards and the
like! ![]() The not knowing was killing
him. It had been hours, days maybe. And it all just seemed to blend into
one endless nightmare that had no beginning and no end. He hadn't slept or
ate that he could remember. Every time that he closed his eyes those same
images flashed over and over in his mind. It was time to end the insanity
and find out the truth. No matter what that truth meant. For the first time since it
all started, he glanced in the mirror. Varying shades of brown stained the
white cotton tee shirt. The larger spots he recognized immediately and had
to clamp down on his stomach to prevent another revolt. Blood. Jesse's.
Vince's. Some of it might have been his or even Letty's. The sight of it
sickened him and Dom stripped quickly and made his way to the shower. The water was scalding and
reeked of the high level of chlorine. It made his eyes burn and tear but
he didn't notice. As he frantically scrubbed at his chest and arms and
legs, trying desperately to erase the sight from his mind as well as his
body, silent tears fell down his face. He just blinked them back and
continued to scrub until his caramel skin was a deep burnished pink. Only
then did he relent and shut off the water, dressing in clean clothes and
stepping out into the bright California sun. It was like someone forgot to
tell it that today was one of the worst days Dominic Toretto had ever had. The drive to the hospital
was easy enough. Back roads and short cuts he knew like the back of his
hand. He parked in a crowded lot where the car was less likely to be
noticed and quickly stole his way up to the fifth floor intensive care
unit. He winced at the guard at the door and frantically racked his brain
for an idea on how to get past. A squeaky wheel and the smell of
disinfectant caught his attention and Dom smiled at the sight in front of
him. Ten minutes later he was dressed as an orderly and mopping his way
into room 517. "Excuse me, no
visitors for this patient. Police orders." Dom kept his head down and
mumbled in a raspy voice, "Gotta make my rounds man. It's a hospital,
ya know? The person could die from an infection if I don't clean in there.
Then where will ya be?" He chanced a glance up at
the guard from the corner of his eye and nearly smiled when the man waved
him inside with a huff. Too easy. And they actually expected to catch him
this way? The door closed behind him
with a soft click and Dom pushed the mop and bucket to the side, stepping
up to the drawn curtain and pulling it back with trembling fingers. And
then there was nowhere to run. It was all there in the eerie fluorescent
light with the sun still cheerily peeking in through the shuttered blinds
and casting long lines of brightness in the grayish blue of the room.
Vince. Eyes closed. Tubes and machines hooked to god knows what plugged
into his best friend in god knows how many different places. Dom's face
crumpled and his voice choked him. He couldn't even whisper a hello. He
just stood there taking in the bruises and cuts and that huge bandage and
cast around Vince's arm. And it was all his fault. Dom eased his bulky frame
down on the edge of the bed nearest Vince's uninjured arm and carefully
reached for his friend's hand. It was cold, clammy and the first touch
made Dom flinch and want to pull away. He swallowed heavily and grabbed
the hand as best he could without disturbing the IV's and to his immense
relief the flesh began to warm gradually. Long moments ticked by while Dom
struggled for his voice and with a voice cracking nearly every syllable,
he managed to speak. "I don't have to tell
you that these have been the longest days and nights for me, brother. I'm
sure they've been hard on you too." Dom managed a smile and
looked up at the frozen facial features hoping for some sign that he was
getting through, but looked away in desperation when he didn't even see an
eyelid flutter, much less the smile he was wanting to see. A soft sigh
filled the room as Dom closed his eyes and ran a hand over his rough
scalp, bolstering his courage to go on. "I know you probably
want to give up right now, V. But I'm here to tell you that if you feel
like letting go, don't. Just hold on. For me. For Mia. Leon. Letty. We're
all waiting for you, Vince. Just take comfort in us." The tears were back and the
man on the bed remained motionless. Dom's breath hitched painfully and he
squeezed Vince's hand tightly, only to release it a moment later when some
machine started to beep rapidly. Panic swelled in his chest
and his eyes darted to the door, thinking of a way to brace it so that he
wouldn't be interrupted. And then the room was quiet save for the gentle
hiss of the respirator and the soft plink of the monitors for his pulse
and blood pressure every few minutes. Another few deep breaths and Dom
forced himself to calm and look back at Vince, leaning precariously to
brush a lock of hair from Vince's eyes, and revealing another nasty cut
that was covered by a seeping bandage. "We've always kinda
been on our own in this life. You, me, Mia, Leon, Letty and Jesse. We made
ourselves a family. And I know that right now you probably think that
you're alone and that none of us know what you're going through, man. But
you're wrong." His voice cracked and broke
again and Dom had to force himself past the tears to finish what he
started. He sniffled quietly and rubbed at the tears with a fist, knowing
that this might be the last thing he'd ever get to say to the man he'd
called friend since his childhood. He had to make it good. "Everybody hurts,
sometimes. And you are most definitely not alone. We're all pulling
for you, Vince. And we're all gonna be waiting for you. You're gonna pull
through this, I just know it." He sniffed again and
smiled, cradling Vince's good hand in both of his large ones, licking his
lips to help ease the last words out of his mouth, saying them like a
prayer to anyone or anything that would listen. "I know that it's not
gonna be easy for you, Vince. Hell, I probably know you better than anyone
in the world. And I want you to know that if it gets too much. If it all
seems to dark and you--" He paused and swallowed again, almost afraid
to say it lest is actually happen. "If you can't make it back to us.
You still won't be alone. Cause I know that Jesse will be there for you,
man. And he'll take care of you the way I couldn't." With trembling legs, Dom
stood and wiped at his eyes again, grabbing a nearby tissue and doing his
best to clean up his face. Silence stretched for minutes more while Dom
regained control and then, forcing a smile he didn't feel onto his face
and into his voice, he leaned close to Vince and whispered to him. "Just hold on,
brother. Don't give in just yet. We'll be there for you all the way. I'll
be there. And I promise I won't let you down this time." He pulled away and set
something down on the tray next to the bed before grabbing the mop and
opening the door, quickly. "I'll be seeing you,
Vince. I promise." ![]() Mia entered the room a few
days later to a weak but very much alive Vince and smiled a warm welcome. "Looks like you're
feeing better. Up to terrorizing the nurses yet?" Vince gave her a puzzled
look and shook his head, motioning for her to close the door and come
closer to the bed. She shot him a puzzled look but did as he asked and
when she sat on the bed, he pressed a small object into her hand. When Mia opened her palm
she saw Vince's guitar pick from the house and gave him a wide eyed look. "Where did this come
from?" Vince swallowed and
shrugged before he finally managed to get some sound out of his abused
throat "I thought I'd dreamed
it. That Dom was here and...and so was Jesse. And Dom kept telling me to
hold and Jesse kept telling me to let go and it was weird. And I remember
him saying that he knew Jesse would take care of me... and I'd almost let
go, ya know? Just let the pain end. But I coulda sworn I heard him crying.
Talking about everybody hurts. And that he wouldn't screw it up this time.
And after that I just couldn't let go. He sounded... gods Mia he sounded
like he was really hurtin'. I guess everybody does cry, huh? Even tough
guys." Mia blinked against the
tears in her eyes and nodded, a half smile grazing her lips. "Yeah, I guess so,
Vince. I guess so." ![]() The
Song Everybody Hurts When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone, Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along. Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends. If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long, Well, everybody hurts sometimes, (Everybody hurts. You are not alone.) |