It's All About Timing |
by CCL |
One Summary:
Ever wonder about Vince's past? What made him the person he was? So angry
and bitter most of the time? Here's a peek. Warnings:
You may be lost and clueless about the beginning. In my world the
guys get out of the legal trouble and Brian manages to pin the crime on
somebody else. Thanks:
Go out to Ardath and Dallas, and of course Shiv and Khay. Loyal supporters
and two ladies that never sleep and are always ready to give a quick beta
at 4 in the morning when my muses won't let me sleep. Thanks for not
letting me think I was crazy for writing out this idea guys. On with the fic... ![]() Vince sat on the edge of
the rumpled hospital bed, cursing softly as he struggled to fit the large
cast through the sleeve of his shirt. "Damn, Mia! I told you
to just get a tank top from the house. I'm gonna rip this thing to shreds
trying to fit this cast through." Looking up from the other
side of the room, Mia laughed and went over, tugging the shirt gently,
giving extra care to the stubborn arm and carefully stretching the
material out so it would fit. When the black cotton finally passed by his
eyes, he saw the arched brow and smirk she wore. With a roll of his eyes
and playful shove, he chuckled and pulled the shirt down the rest of the
way. "Everybody hates a
smart ass, ya know that Mia?" She gave him a hurt look
and then grinned, her soft voice holding just a hint of teasing. "Oh come on V, I
thought you loved me?" "Yeah. Me too,"
said the newcomer just lurking inside the room, shyly watching the scene. Both heads turned at the
sound of another female voice. Vince blinked twice as he studied the face
shadowed in the doorway. His confusion held a moment longer as his eyes
dropped lower, taking in the little person standing next to the woman.
Then his eyes widened in shock. "Nic? What
the...?" "Nicole?" came
Mia's soft, awed voice as a smile split her face and she walked over to
embrace the slim woman. Nic tensed briefly and then
smiled back, returning the hug somewhat hesitantly, never tearing her eyes
from the gruff man across the room. "Hi, Mia. Long time no
see, huh?" "It's been ages. How
are you? And who's this?" Nic took the opportunity to
tear her gaze from Vince and focus on Mia, letting her smile grow to a
proud grin and gently tugging the little girl further into the room. "Mia, Vince, this is
Danielle. My daughter. Say hi, baby." Both Mia and Vince looked
shocked and secretly Vince wondered exactly why Nic had picked this
moment to walk back into his life and announce her new role as a mom. As
his eyes focused on the little girl, his mind reeled with confusion and
disbelief. The small child beamed at them both and waved, whispering a
quiet 'Hi.' before hiding behind her mother's legs and clinging to them
like a lifeline. Vince stood quietly and
gave Danielle a small smile, silently giving Nic a thorough once over
while Mia made small talk with her and the little girl. He knew she had
changed. It had happened right in front of him, though he didn't think she
knew that. Four years and kid would change a person. And lucky him, he'd
been able to secretly watch it all. His eyes lingered on a few
small fingers as they toyed with the ragged strings edging a ripped place
on Nic's thigh and gave a small laugh. The jeans were still as snug as
they'd always been, only now they weren't as provocatively shredded as
they were when he'd first met her. Slowly he pulled his eyes
up, sighing to himself at the small strip of skin exposed between the
waist of the jeans and the clingy bottom of the white blousy shirt she
wore. The beatnik, off the shoulder style accentuated her small frame, but
to Vince's knowing eye the top seemed more full and curved. A by-product
of the child she'd carried in her body and then sustained for several
months after she was born. He could see the golden tan she now had, making
her look healthy, glowing, and pretty damn good. The graceful slope of her
neck into her bare shoulders drew his attention next and Vince inhaled
sharply as his mind dragged him back to nights spent kissing and
worshipping those shoulders, bathing them with lips and tongue as he held
her close and made love to her over and over again. "Vince? You
okay?" came a concerned voice, closer by than he expected. "Huh?" he managed
past his suddenly dry throat and turned to look into Mia's concerned face,
hovering around him and scrutinizing him for the source of his sudden
sharp breathing. "Are you okay? You
want me to get one of the nurses or something?" she said, body tensed
to leave the room and track down a member of the medical profession
loitering around at the nurse's station. His eyes moved over to Nic,
who also seemed worried and he flushed, turning away and walking over to
put something in his bag. Silently he cursed himself for being caught
staring and just shook his head. Mia watched him, still
confused and held up a finger to Nic before going to stand next to him,
whispering so that only he could hear. "You sure you're okay?
We can just go, ya know? It's okay." Vince finally looked up and
met her sympathetic brown eyes and managed a short nod. Mia gave him an
affectionate pat on the arm and smiled back, grabbing his bag before
stepping back and giving Nic a shrug. "He's pretty worn out.
It's been a rough couple of weeks. For all of us. I think I'm just gonna
take him home. V, I'll go let the nurses know that you're ready to go,
okay?" She waited for another
barely perceptible nod of his head and started out the door. Vince watched as Mia hugged
Nic and headed out the door. His brow furrowed as Nic's expression seemed
to close off, looking almost hurt before she reached out one hand to stop
Mia. "Ummm...hey Mia? Would
you...would you mind if I took him home?" Light green eyes turned and
locked with his blue ones, filled with the fear of rejection. He was sure the shock was
once again plastered on his face, but he couldn't believe what he'd just
heard. She wanted to take him home? Which home? What? Mia of course made the
situation worse with her happy reply of, "Sure. Why not. I'll let
them know and I'll go on and take your stuff for you, V. See you at the
house, okay?" Vince knew a moment of
sheer panic before he saw her face reappear in the doorway and he gave a
small sigh of relief. "Oh and Nic, V? If
they are any problems or anything, just call and let me know. V knows the
number." Nic smiled and nodded, her
body relaxing only slightly before she turned to face Vince and take in
his less than pleased look over Mia's abandonment. Suddenly looking
unsure, she began to babble quietly as she shifted from foot to foot. "Hey, Vince, it's not
big deal. Look I could just go get her and let her drive you. I know I
just showed up outta the blue and stuff. I probably should have called
first, huh? I'm sorry. This was a bad idea. Why don't I go and try to
catch Mia, huh?" as she spun on her heel and made as if to flee the
room. "No," came his
hoarse reply and after clearing his throat he tried again, more strongly.
"No, wait. It's cool, Nic. Don't worry about it. Let's just get out
of here. I'm sick of this place." His words stopped her and
for that small miracle he was grateful. They hadn't stopped her from
leaving the last time. Nothing he had said made a difference and it had
hurt. Now, faced with her walking out on him for the second time, he could
only be thankful that she seemed to want to talk to him and see him
probably more than he had wanted to see her. "You sure? I know
things between us ain't exactly... Well you know what I mean." He nodded and took a deep
breath, crossing the room and hugging her chastely. He inhaled her scent,
the exotic floral stuff she still wore because it reminded her of her
mother. His hands and body didn't miss the softness of the skin or the way
her body seemed to fit perfectly against his. It seemed like their bodies
didn't know that so much had passed between them even if their minds and
hearts still battled with old wounds threatening to burst open and bleed
even now. "I'm glad you came by,
Nic. I was wondering how you were. I uh...I missed you." He pulled away when a noise
at the door startled him before he recognized the wheelchair and guessed
that this must be his escort out of the hospital. Giving a squeeze to
Nic's hand, he eased down in the seat, hissing softly as his sore muscles
complained. In an instant she was right there, fussing over him and easing
the tension with gentle mothering. A skill he could see now that she had
adapted to and learned exceptionally well. "I swear, I always
told you that one day those cars were gonna get you hurt or killed and
look at you. You're lucky to be alive, ya know? God, when I think about
the shit we used to pull. It's a damn miracle we didn't bite it at least
half a dozen times before this. I guess your luck just finally ran out,
huh? Now you just sit back and I'll drive you home. You're probably ready
to be back in your own bed, huh?" Both of them stilled at the
mention of bed and shared a knowing look. Vince could only grin and Nic
laughed at him, blushing deeply and standing up, but carefully avoiding
his gaze. "Alright, Jeeves. Put
this thing in gear and drive on. I'm past ready to be rid of this
place." The young male nurse
chuckled and pulled the chair back out of the room, setting a slow pace so
that Nic and Danielle could keep up on foot. An awkward silence stretched
between the two ex-lovers as they waited for the elevator to arrive on the
floor and Vince began to fidget, stumbling over a compliment to break the
distressing quiet. "You look
good. I mean, since the last time I saw you. You look better. Not that you
didn't look good before, it just that, well. Hell, I dunno." The touch of her hand in
his hair, combing through the dark, silky strands was the most comforting
touch he'd felt in years. And even though he wasn't sure, Vince would have
bet money that the brilliant smile she flashed him would have melted the
polar ice caps in two seconds flat. "You always did know
the right thing to say, Vince." He chuckled and shook his
head, frowning when the elevator arrived and he was pushed away from her
touch. Craning his neck, he saw her casually kneeling down inside the car
to tie one of Danielle's shoes and whispering to the little girl quietly,
making the small round face glow and tiny giggles to spill past the full
pink pouty lips. "So old is
she?" he asked, giving them both another smile when they looked in
his direction. Nic gently nudged Danielle
in his direction, holding the tiny hand and squeezing it when the little
girl's voice faltered slightly. "I'm uh...I'm,"
she stammered, her voice dwindling down into nothing. Vince lowered his head to
hear the soft whisper better and let one finger tilt the chin up, coming
face to face with deep endless blue eyes. "What was that,
sweetheart? I couldn't hear you." His warm voice seemed to
melt her nervousness and Nic flashed him another earth shattering grin in
encouragement. He heard the sigh of relief escape the tiny chest and saw
the perfect row of straight white teeth when she smiled and spoke again. "I'm three and half.
I'll be four in Spetember." "September, baby. Very
good. Can you tell him the day? Do you remember?" came Nic's low
voice, gently prodding the girl further. Vince watched the entire
incident with amused expectation, his face open and gentle despite the
shaggy facial hair and dark circles under his eyes. The child's next words
came with even more enthusiasm and he grinned and laughed at the louder
noise. "YEAH! It's the
twenty-fourth, right Mama?" Nic joined in the laughter
and nodded emphatically, leaning close to kiss the cherubic cheek noisily. "That's right baby,
the 24th." The doors to the elevator
slid open then and Nic stood, rolling easily to the balls of her feet and
stepping gracefully around to hold open the door so that Vince and the
nurse could roll clear. With practiced ease, she scooped up Danielle and
took a few quick steps before stopping the nurse with a hand on the guy's
shoulder. "Hey, give me a few
minutes to pull the car up, okay?" "Mama, can I stay with
Vince?" Nic widened her eyes for a
moment and started to shake her head when Vince reached up and touched her
arm, smiling and nodding. "It's cool, Nic. Just
uh...hell just put her in my lap I guess." He watched her nervous tick
as she began to chew on her lower lip, silently debating before giving a
small smile and placing the precious bundle down in his lap. Danielle
promptly leaned back and twined her small fingers with his, getting
comfortable for her stay. Vince smiled and hugged the
little girl as best he could with his injured arm and began a quiet
banter, punctuated with tiny tickles to her side. He chanced a glance up
to see Nic still standing there and couldn't resist the urge to tease her. "I thought you were
going to get the car? Or should I just wheel myself home in this?" as
he gestured to the wheelchair. She looked flustered for a
moment before laughing and shaking her head, giving him a roll of her eyes
to show her dislike for being teased. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm
going. Dani, behave alright? Two minutes." Vince watched her jog
slowly out the sliding doors and across the emergency parking lot towards
the high rising decks used for visitors. He shielded his eyes as the
wheelchair emerged out into the bright California sun. Despite the late
afternoon hour, it shone down with brutal force, instantly prickling his
skin with a fine sheen of sweat. He noticed that Dani was suffering the
same fate and used his large hands to fan the air around her. His mind
struggled for something to say to the little girl now, too caught up in
the way she, like her mother, fit against him so nicely. His eyes became captivated
by the sparkling highlights in Dani's hair. Subtle shades of red, blonde,
brown and black, all mixing to give her a stunning brunette color that if
he had noticed, closely resembled his own. And she carried on her skin
traces of her mother's perfume, hints of flowers, suntan oil, and clean
soap. As if she'd been filled with the smell of outdoors and then scrubbed
gently clean to leave only a taste. A purring motor brought him
back from his musings and he gasped at the gleaming car in front of him.
Cherry red with a white convertible top. The music playing on the radio
somewhat softer than it was the first time he'd laid eyes on the car, and
the body well maintained after all the work he and Dom and the crew had
put in to restoring it for Nic. "Nothing beats a
classic," she'd said. They'd spent weeks working
on the motor, chroming it out, hunting down original body parts rather
than just patching the numerous rust spots. When they'd finished with the
car, Nic had hugged them all and then dragged Vince out for a test drive.
Oh what a ride that had been. "So are you ready to
go?" He shook his head to clear
the thoughts away and nodded, looking down at Dani. She smiled up at him
and reached for her mom who lifted her easily and walked over to the car,
flipping the front seat forward and strapping her into the car seat
quickly all the while mumbling to the little girl. "Oh baby girl, you're
getting' way to heavy for me to be lugging you around like this. And I'll
be so glad when you're big enough not to have to ride in this seat, won't
you?" "Yes, mama. But I'm
growing right? Growing up really fast." "Yes, baby. Almost too
fast." As she withdrew from the
car, she gave Vince a sad smile. He watched her curiously for a moment as
she readjusted the seat and stepped out of the way, gesturing to the open
passenger side door. "Alright, V, your
chariot awaits." With a small wince he tried
to lever his body up out of the chair but Nic saw the problem before the
nurse and was quickly by his side, wrapping an arm gingerly around him and
lending her strength to help him stand. She maneuvered them both over to
the car and as only a mother could, shielded his head to keep him from
banging it as he dropped gracelessly into the seat. A quick slam of the door
and thanks to the nurse was heard before Nic was climbing in with them and
starting the car up. She flipped on the a/c and cool air assaulted his
skin, making him shiver slightly. No one spoke in the small enclosed space
as the modern radio cranked out the faint sound of one of the oldies
stations she always had playing in the car. Vince watched her feet
expertly maneuvering the clutch, brake and gas pedal while her long
delicate fingers almost caressed the gearshift. She looked like a vision
straight out of his past, easing the '65 mustang out into the busy traffic
and heading off in the direction of home. Silence stretched between
the three occupants as Nic concentrated on driving, Dani played with a
doll in the backseat and Vince concentrated on Nic. A thousand questions
sprang to mind about her sudden appearance at the hospital, the nervous
look she'd had when asking to drive him, and even the uncertainty of
allowing Dani to stay with him while she went for the car. And each
question died on his lips before he could muster enough nerve to give them
voice. Instead he let his mind drift back to that last day with her.
Staring out the window of the car as the scenery flashed by in a blur, the
lines of reality faded as a familiar song took him back to a memory well
used and so worn around the edges it played in his mind like an old black
and white film. ![]() "Vince we gotta
stop this." "Stop what?" "This. Us.
It''s too much." They were parked in
front of Dom's house; the team was already out back, firing up the grill
with the music a dull roar leaking out the open window of the house. He
gave her a puzzled look and stopped with his hand on the handle for the
door when he saw that she wasn't moving. Her head was bent, eyes
focusing on something in her lap and refusing to meet his so he shifted in
the seat and tilted her head, forcing her to look at him and gasping at
the tears in her eyes. "Nic? What's wrong?
Did I do something to piss you off? You were fine earlier. I mean, I
thought you wanted to come this thing?" gesturing towards the party
that was just cranking up. "I did. I do. I
just...we need to talk, okay?" came her choked reply. She shook her
head and pulled away, staring out the front windshield, blinking furiously
at the unwelcome extra moisture in her eyes. "So talk, Nic. Tell
me what's wrong, and let me fix it," he said, sliding across the
bench seat to wrap an arm around her shaking shoulders and kiss them
softly. But he felt her skin tense and recoil at his touch, pulling away
from the comfort he was offering and exploding at him. "GOD DAMN IT VINCE!
You can't FIX this, okay? This is well beyond being fixed." He was shocked and hurt
and rapidly getting angry. With a frustrated growl he slid back across the
seat and began clenching his fists repeatedly. "Well what do you
want me to do, Nic? What's WRONG? Can you at LEAST tell me that? Huh?? I
think I've got a fuckin' right to know since whatever it is, you're taking
it out on me and for the life of me I don't remember doing a god damn
thing to piss you off!" "I guess I'm just
tired of not knowing where I stand, V. I mean, I need something permanent.
More stable and secure. I can't spend the rest of my life partying and
hanging out at races, working part time jobs here and there whenever I
need money. I gotta start thinking about the future. And I don't...I don't
think you want your life to change. So I've been thinking maybe we should
just go our separate ways...ya know. Move on...with other people." The softly spoken words
felt like a blow to his gut. His heart was suddenly tight and aching in
his chest and his mind began to reel from the implications of the short
speech Nic had just delivered. It was a low blow and he was furious. "OTHER PEOPLE?
Fuck, Nic! What you're saying is you've found somebody else and you want
to get rid of me so you can move on with this new guy, is that right? Huh?
ANSWER ME, NIC!" His yelling echoed off
the walls of her car, making it sound even more harsh and cruel as it
reverberated in both their ears. He watched her face harden as her mouth
drew up in that familiar pouty scowl and she banked back her tears to
retaliate full force. "Yeah. YEAH THAT'S
RIGHT, V! It's somebody else! Somebody you don't know and don't want to
know! Now get the fuck out of my car. I'll have your stuff waiting outside
when I leave for work tomorrow. You can come pick it up after I'm
gone!" He opened his mouth to
say something. Maybe to take it all back and apologize. But the coldness
in her eyes and way she had practically spat the last words at him made
Vince shut down and get out of the car, slamming the door violently and
watching her speed off in a cloud of smoking rubber. ![]() The rest of that day
passed in a blur for Vince. He remembered Dom standing on the side of the
house watching the scene quietly, asking if he was okay. He'd shrugged it
off and said something that a lot of coronas and a few pretty women
wouldn't fix. Then Dom had given him that understanding grin and clapped
him on the shoulder, doing his part to hook Vince up with some of the
pretty girls at the party. When he'd woken the next
morning in a pile of naked limbs with two women that definitely were NOT
Nic pressed up against him, he'd barely managed to make it to the bathroom
before revisiting all the alcohol he'd consumed the night before. Then
he'd showered, dressed, shaved and met Dom in the kitchen. The girls had
vacated his bed and the mattress was stripped bare, the bundle of sheets
being shoved into a trash bag when Dom finally spoke. "So do you feel
better or worse?" "Does it matter?
She doesn't want me. I won't beg her. I've got my pride, brother." Dom had simply nodded
and patted him on the shoulder, leaning close to whisper one last message. "Then that's all
you're gonna have, V." ![]() And so it had been. For
four years almost, he'd bounced from relationship to relationship. He
compared all the girls to Nic, subconsciously. The way the dressed,
walked, talked, wore their hair, everything. In four years he'd never
found a substitute, and now the real thing was sitting right next to him,
within arms reach. And he couldn't make himself take the step to reach out
and grab her. "Vince? Hey, you okay?
You're awfully quiet over there." There is was again. That
voice from the past. Soft and low, deeper than should be allowed for a
woman but on her terribly sexy. The rich sound soothed and agitated his
nerves at the same time and he gave her a wary look. "Just remembering the
last time I was in this car. With you." She faltered then, inhaling
and wincing, turning her attention back to the road. "Yeah. But that was
long time ago and I don't want to talk about it, okay? We both said some
pretty shitty things and I'd rather just leave it in the past." Vince reflected on this for
a minute and then nodded, "Yeah, alright, Nic. Whatever you want. But
uh...can I ask how you...found me?" She stretched elegantly,
reaching under the seat and pulling out one of the many newspapers that
had his face plastered across it. With a flick of her wrist it landed in
his lap and she reached for the gearshift again, sliding easily down into
second to make a turn and then back up into third as she picked up speed. "Let's just say it
wasn't too hard, huh?" He chuckled and picked up
the paper, noting the red circle around the section stating which hospital
he had been treated in and his condition. After a moment his curiosity got
the better of him and he pressed again, his voice serious. "Yeah, but I don't get
it. Why did you care? I mean you've obviously got a new life and stuff.
Why come see me?" She sighed and paused for a
few moments, navigating some heavy traffic before turning down a side
street and entering the outskirts of their neighborhood. Finally she
looked over at him and smiled, shrugging lightly. "I guess I wanted to
know if all that money you gave me came from what they said you did." Shock, confusion, horror,
and disbelief warred for control of his facial features, twisting them in
various expressions as he stammered to get his questions and explanation
in some semblance of order. "Of course not! I had
the garage and racing. And even though the racing wasn't exactly legal...
Shit, Nic, you knew? You knew it was me?" Nic nodded and smiled,
glancing back to Dani and giving her foot a squeeze that elicited a giggle
from the child. "I knew. It was kinda
hard *not* to know. Your car doesn't exactly blend in and the neighbors
were getting worried about this strange guy dropping off stuff in the
mailbox. They thought you were stealing my mail or something. So I put two
and two together. It's okay, ya know? I mean, I really appreciated the
help. I don't think me and Dani would've made it the last 4 years without
your help. I'm kinda curious as to why you did it though." She let the question hang
in the air a bit longer as she inched along the streets slowly, mindful of
the children riding bikes and playing at the edges of the road. Vince
squirmed uncomfortably for a while, not sure if his answer would be
welcome or if she'd walk away again when he told her how he really felt
about her. How he had always felt about her. Deciding that sarcasm was a
safe bet, he huffed and looked annoyed, trying his best to scowl
impatiently at her ignorance. "Well I couldn't just
let you go through all this alone," as he gestured to Dani.
"Jeezus, Nic, whoever you left me for was a real asshole to leave you
pregnant and not take care of you. I just couldn't sit back and watch you
struggling like that..." "He did take care of
me," she managed. Her voice was so quiet and soft that Vince almost
missed the tiny statement but at her defense of the guy who had left her
high and dry with a kid. He clenched his teeth and grumbled quietly under
his breath. "Well I sure haven't
seen his sorry a-- butt around." Nic's lilting laughter
filled the car and Vince shot her an annoyed look, totally missing the
joke she saw as funny. After a minute of pulling herself together, she
stopped the car in front of Dom and Mia's house and turned to look at him
with a loving if somewhat amused expression on her face. "Well unless you were
looking in a mirror all the time, you wouldn't, would you?" Vince blinked in disbelief.
Then he squinted his eyes closed and opened them to find that he was still
sitting in Nic's car and definitely not dreaming. He opened his mouth to
speak but closed it quickly, unsure of what he was going to say to that
statement. Surely she hadn't meant that...? Danielle's voice broke
through his thoughts quietly, the soft voice inquiring something of her
mother in a gentle pleading tone. "Mommy, when are we
gonna see Daddy? You told me I could see Daddy today." Nic gave Vince a shy smile
and shrugged, before turning around more and patting Dani's knee
affectionately. "Don't worry, sweetie.
I'm working on it." |