It's All About Timing |
by CCL |
Two Author's Note:
Call it therapy, call it psychosis, but it makes me feel better and with
the approaching holiday, well it just had to be done. Love you, Daddy. And
I miss you. Warning:
EXTREME SAPPINESS AHEAD! You may go into sugar shock! I recommend brushing
your teeth thoroughly after this chapter to prevent cavities! Thanks to:
Ardath and Dallas, and everyone else who helped this along. What can I say
guys? Gotta love betas that do impromptu read throughs and grammar checks.
![]() Despite the complaining
muscles, Vince forced himself to shift in the seat so that he could
actually look at Dani. And at that first enlightened glance, even he
couldn't deny the resemblance. The long dark hair that
curled gently around her sun-darkened shoulders was undeniably the same as
his. It's dark exotic beauty matched only in the unruly way it fluffed
around her face, struggling to pull free of the tiny bows holding it out
of her face. Tentatively, he reached out his left hand to brush the backs
of his fingers against the soft lightly freckled cheek and Dani looked up
at him, smiling brightly. He could only gasp at the piercing blue eyes
that met his. It was almost like looking in a mirror. Vince's throat was dry,
tight and there appeared to be a huge lump lodged inside that he could not
make himself swallow down. Something prickled behind his eyes, painful and
stinging. Then suddenly his vision blurred and the beautiful angel in
front of him slid out of focus. He tried swallowing again, and blinking
his eyes to clear whatever was disrupting his sight before he turned to
Nic in desperate confusion. It took several tries for his voice to work
and even then it sounded merely like a strangled sob. "But...but you
said...that there was someone else? I mean, gods Nic, why didn't you tell
me?" She sniffled herself and
reached out to cup his cheek, the touch cool and soothing to his flaming
face and he nuzzled her palm, closing his eyes so that hopefully she
wouldn't see the weakness he was feeling at this moment. He was a father.
He was Dani's father. He and Nic were parents of this gorgeous little
girl. And he'd never known. The shock of realization hit him hard, like a
punch in the gut. Sure he'd watched over them, helped out with money but
he hadn't been there for them. He'd missed all those wonderful
moments of Dani growing up. The sadness was mind-blowing and that emotion
was quickly followed by jealousy and another surge of anger. "Answer me, Nic!
Please! You gotta tell me why you kept this from me! You had no right to
keep her from me!" A finger pressed against
his lips to silence him as her own tear filled gaze met his. She licked
her lips and took a deep breath, sighing loudly before the words began to
tumble out of her mouth. "Vince, I wanted to
tell you. But after that day, I just couldn't. God, it hurt me so much for
you to think that I'd actually been with somebody else. That you even
thought I wanted somebody else. And I didn't exactly lie about it.
There was someone else in the picture. Her. Man, when you jumped to that
conclusion like that? I swear it was like a wake up call. I was suddenly
so scared that you'd hate me for getting pregnant. That you'd tell me to
get rid of it. And that maybe you didn't love me as much as I loved
you." She swallowed and wiped at
her eyes, scrubbing away the tears stubbornly as if offended that they had
the nerve to fall against her command. She sniffled and gave a small smile
of reassurance to Dani, affirming that she was okay before looking back at
Vince and tracing a thumb over a single tear track on his face. "I kept telling myself
that I was going to tell you. At first I said I'd wait until she was born,
because then you couldn't tell me to have an abortion or get rid of her.
But then I thought that maybe it would be better when she was older, more
independent of me. Ya know, in case you wanted to spend time with her and
not me? And then I put it off again, saying well it would be better if she
were talking so you could communicate with her some. And then on and on.
When the money started showing up, I kinda thought that you knew already.
I guess I was half expecting you to knock on the front door and demand to
see her. But you never did." Vince reached up to grasp
the hand against his cheek and hold it in place, rubbing his stubbled
cheek across the tender skin in what he hoped was a calming gesture. He
listened patiently, carefully, not missing the anguish in her voice and
the tremble of her lower lip as she spoke each word. Before he even
realized it, his anger was slipping away and in it's place was
understanding. He was still deeply hurt that she could think so little of
him, but after revisiting that fight in his own head earlier, he could
sympathize with what she must have been feeling. Of course she had been
unsure. And he had let pride keep him away for so long. "I uh...I never told
her much. But I did tell her that she had a father and that one day, I'd
take her to see him. She goes to pre-school now, while I work, and this
year they made these pictures for their fathers. And she...well she asked
if we could go see her Daddy on Father's Day so she could give it to
him." Nic's hands pulled away
from Vince briefly as she once again fumbled around at the edge of the
seat. When she sat back upright, in her hands was a small scroll, tied up
with a blue satin ribbon. He fidgeted slightly and looked down as Nic
leaned across the seat and handed the bundle to Dani, whispering softly. "Okay, baby. Here ya
go. Now you remember when you told me you wanted to give this to your
Daddy?" "Yes, mama. I
remember." "Well," she
swallowed as her voice faded away and tried again. "Well here's your
chance, baby. Cuz see here?" Nic reached for Vince and helped him
shift around a little more so that they were both facing the little girl.
"This... is your Daddy. And Vince?" He shot her a quizzical
look, battling the new tears that threatened to well up in his eyes. "This is your
daughter. Danielle Marie Malone." Seven little words. So
innocent on their own. Combined together they touched Vince deeply and he
gasped, giving Nic a pained look that conveyed gratitude, and love and a
multitude of other emotions that he couldn't begin to name. She'd given Dani his name.
Malone. And not only that, she'd given their child his mother's
name. Marie. The sum of all that equaled the best Father's Day gift he'd
probably ever receive for the rest of his life. He was a father. And his little girl was
gazing at him with a mixture of pride, happiness, and awe at finally
having the man she'd dreamed of right in front of her. "Daddy?" He smiled and nodded at her
reaching out to touch her again and laughing softly as joy bubbled inside
him, overflowing when he couldn't contain it a moment longer. For the
first time in he didn't know how long, Vince felt love and knew that he
was loved in return. "Yeah, baby?" Small, sweaty hands reached
up to grab his large, thick fingers and pull them down into her lap where
she carefully rotated his hand and gently placed the handmade gift inside,
folding the fingers up around it as she gave him a heartbreaking smile. "Happy Father's Day,
Daddy." Suddenly the car was too
confining and his injured arm was more of a hindrance than he wanted to
deal with at the moment. He flashed her a quick smile before shifting
around and scrambling for the seat belt, shooting Nic a pleading look. "Help me? I just...I
just gotta hold her again. Please?" With a shaky nod Nic
released her own seat belt and freed his as well before rushing to climb
out of the car and help him out on the other side. Seconds seemed like
hours as he stood on the sidewalk in front of the house, eyes glued to the
backseat where Nic fumbled with clumsy quivering fingers to free Dani from
her car seat. He noticed out of the
corner of his eye that Dom and Mia and the rest of the team had gathered
near the driveway, curiously watching the scene unfold. They maintained
their distance from the newly joined family though, and Vince was grateful
not to have to share this moment with them just yet. A tug on his leg alerted
him that Dani was standing in front of him, arms outstretched in a silent
plea to be picked up. It took only a moment of thought as he switched his
present to the bandaged arm and used his good one to carefully reach down
and scoop her up, cradling her tightly to his body and soaking her up. It was heaven. Heaven right
here on earth, to be loved so unconditionally by a child he'd only just
met but had fantasized of belonging to him in countless dreams. Suddenly
the sun was a little friendlier, the birds sang a little sweeter, the air
smelled a little cleaner and Vince felt a whole lot better. He looked over at Nic,
standing shyly off to the side and watching father and daughter embrace.
Without a second thought he stepped over to her and draped his injured arm
around her shoulder, pulling her close and whispering in the top of her
hair. "Thank you, Nic. For
everything." She nodded and hugged him
back, wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling in as close as
possible, letting her hands rub soothing circles over Vince's and Dani's
backs. It was like coming home. It was home for Vince and he made
up his mind right there that they'd never be anywhere other than right by
his side. A family. A real honest to god family like he'd only had a taste
of growing up. The kind of family that he'd made with Dom and Mia and Leon
and Letty. And Jesse. Jesse. Just as his mind began to
race with the idea of sharing and showing off his new family to the rest
of the team, the loss of his littlest "brother" struck hard and
he had to clamp down on that emotion to deal with later. Right now there
was no room for sadness. He knew that Jesse would want him to enjoy the
moment, live it to the max, memorize it, and then retell it often and with
lots of embellishment for days and weeks to come. So that's what he did. With a heavy sigh, he
pulled back to look at the two females that had just flipped his life
upside down. He smiled at both of them and gently tugged at Nic's
shoulders, urging her towards the team. The smile faltered slightly when
Nic pulled away from his grasp and she resumed her stance a short distance
away from him. "What's wrong, Nic?
Come on. Let's go say hey to everyone, it's my coming home party." She shrugged and glanced
over at Mia before meeting his gaze. She was chewing her lower lip again
and her hands were wedged tightly in the back pockets of her jeans. "Listen, I didn't want
to mess up anything you had going right now. I just, thought you should
know. About Dani that is. So that if you wanted to see her, you could, you
know, come by when ever. Spend some time getting to know her, playing with
her. She uh, she's been looking forward to this for a long time." Vince shifted Dani on his
hip slightly, holding her more securely and shaking his head in confusion
at Nic. "What do you mean? Nic,
what makes you think you're screwing up what I've got? Everyone knows you.
They're not gonna say anything. You know that." She dropped her eyes to the
pavement, scuffing her sandals lightly. "Yeah, but Mia. I
mean, I'd heard that, well that you guys--" "What?? Nic, no!" Even as he cut off her
statement with his declaration, he closed the distance between them and
reached out to tilt her head up so that he could look at her, not wanting
any misunderstanding over his next statement. "Yeah, I had a thing
for Mia. I'm not gonna lie. Hell, I picked a fight with Brian quite a few
times over her. But he loves her and she loves him and I, well I realized
a while ago that I was just fooling myself. It wasn't love. Strong
friendship, maybe, but not love. There's only one person that I have ever
loved, and until today I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to tell her
that." His deep, husky voice
wavered on the last sentiment. When he saw Nic's brow crease in confusion,
his fingers came up to softly smooth the worry lines away. He let them
slide down the high cheekbones to her jaw, sneaking slightly off course to
trace the lines of her lips with a bare whisper of a touch. When she
smiled and pursed her lips to place a brief kiss on the finger lingering
on her mouth, he swallowed his nervousness and let the hand quickly slip
to the back of her neck, pulling her close to plant a tender, moist kiss
on her lips, speaking with actions instead of words. Loud whoops and cheers from
the driveway made the couple break apart suddenly and both flushed with
embarrassment as they saw the team applauding their display of affection
for each other. Their gazes met again and they laughed softly as Vince
extended his arm in silent invitation to Nic to resume her place at his
side and after only one more glance and the group of friends Vince had
always called family, she looped her arm around his waist and allowed him
to lead her over to the others, each wearing a brilliant grin. "Finally got over that
pride, huh Vince?" came Dom's deep rumble, quiet enough to only be
heard by the man in question. Vince nodded and looked at Dani and Nic, his
voice almost reverent in tone. "I found something
better. My family." As the group headed towards
the back, Vince re-introduced Nic to everyone, including the new addition
to the crew, Brian. But almost all the eyes were on the little girl
sitting quietly in her father's arms, staring wide-eyed at all the people
hustling and bustling around her. Vince noticed the looks and
nuzzled the little girl's head with his own, planting a kiss on her head,
before clearing his throat to get everyone's undivided attention. "Guys, there's someone
else here you should meet. This is Danielle, or Dani, my daughter." There was a moment of
silence as Vince grinned proudly and soon that grin spread to each and
every person crowded around them. Nic squeezed at his waist and smiled as
words of "Congratulations", "Way to go, guys!", and
"We're so happy for you!" resounded in the tight circle. And with that obstacle out
of the way, the atmosphere relaxed as they all settled around to chat with
Nic and get caught up on the who's, how's, why's and when's of Vince's new
status. Vince on the other hand remained pleasantly detached from the
conversation, settling in a chair carefully and spending his time hugging
and touching and getting to know his daughter. As the sun slowly slipped
in the sky, Dani dazzled her newly acquired father and his friends by
telling stories about her favorite doll, playing in the sprinkler with
Mama, her favorite television show and singing childish songs with the
sweetest voice Vince had ever heard. She recited her ABC's and counted to
100, the last of which was met with an enormous round of applause and
several comments about what a smart girl she was. Dani positively glowed
from the praise and rewarded her daddy with a giant hug that seemed to
melt the bearish man and remake him into a giant teddy bear. The food, conversation and
good company seemed to make the time fly even faster and before anyone
realized it, the clock was approaching eleven and Dani had long since
fallen asleep with her head resting on Vince's shoulder. Through out the
evening his eyes had locked with Nic's and a feeling of tension,
uncertainty and anticipation had curled in his gut, making him shiver
despite the heat and mugginess of the air. Now, as the party was slowly
winding down, those emotions came back to the fore in full force mingled
with something Vince could only describe as fear. Mia and Brian were clearing
dishes while Dom and Leon closed up the grill. Letty lingered talking to
Nic until Mia had requested that she bring in the coolers and all too
soon, Vince was once again alone with his newly reunited family. "She looks pretty
beat. I should probably get her home and in bed. It's been a big day for
her and she's got daycare tomorrow morning." He nodded, his throat
constricting with the thought of letting Dani go. He tried to shift her
away from his body, so Nic could lift her from his lap, but even in sleep
the little girl showed a determination not to relinquish her new prize.
Vince squeezed her once more before gently shaking her awake, calling to
her softly. "Dani? C'mon, baby
wake up now. It's time for you to go home and go to bed. Your mama's
waiting for you, sweetheart." Her small round face
screwed up in a frown, softly whimpering her protests. "No, no, no. Don't
wanna go, Daddy. Wanna stay. Please can't I stay, please?" His heart broke at the
words and he regretfully shook his head, kissing the tears that began to
leak from the corners of her eyes. "Awww, don't be that
way, baby. I'll see you again real soon, okay? Now be a big girl and let
go of me so Mama can pick you up." Again she voiced an unhappy
protest, the high voice cracking slightly on a sob. "N-no! You come too,
Daddy! Please? Please, Daddy?" Through it all, Nic was
silent, her eyes taking in the exchange and offering reassuring pats to
both the grumpy child and the disheartened father. At Dani's last request,
Vince furrowed his brow and turned his head to Nic, his eyes pleading for
help. Her response both shocked and thrilled him to the core. "Well if you wanted
you could come back with us. Stay until she falls asleep or,
whenever." Vince's face lit with
enthusiasm as he smiled at both Nic and Dani and began to struggle to his
feet. Before he could pass Dani
off to go tell everyone where he was going, Dom appeared, slamming the
backdoor with a small duffle bag in hand. With a huge grin, he approached
the couple, passing the bag to Nic and clapping Vince on the shoulder. "Mia told me to tell
you that she packed all the medicines they gave you along with the
directions. You're supposed to take a white one and a blue one before bed
and then a white one in the morning." Nic grinned and nodded, her
voice soft compared to Dom's deep rumble. "I'll take good care
of him, Dom." "I know you will, Nic.
Hey, V? Can I talk to you for a second?" He jerked his head to the
side slightly and only grinned at Vince's quizzical look. Nic smiled and
made her excuses to give the boys a minute of privacy. "I'll just go put this
in the car, V and wait for you, okay?" He gave a small smile and
watched her walk away, waiting until she was out of earshot before turning
to Dom. "Alright, brother,
what's going on? You trying to get rid of me?" The larger man smiled and
shook his head, a chuckle escaping before he could stifle it back. "Hey, brother, I'm
just looking out for you. Which, by the way, I also packed you some
condoms. I suggest you use 'em unless you want this little angel to have a
little brother or sister in the very near future." Vince widened his eyes in
shock before Dom's laughter became too contagious and he joined in
wholeheartedly. "What would I do
without you, brother?" "You don't really
want me to answer that, now do you?" The glance to Vince's good
hand brought another round of laughter between the two men and Vince
playfully punched at Dom's shoulder before looking towards Nic, propped up
on the side of the mustang and giving his oldest friend an apologetic
look. "Go on. Get outta
here. Take care of what's important." "Thanks, Dom. Really.
I--" "Don't have to say
anything. Go on. Your future is waiting on you." Vince smiled and nodded,
turning towards Nic. His heart swelled at the shy smile she gave him and
when he reached her side, he dropped his head towards hers brushing an
ultra sweet kiss on her lips before whispering to her softly. "Come on, Nic. Let's
go home." |