Shortly after refusing his siblings' request for aid in their bid to rule
Amber, Brand fled the Eternal City and vanished for several years.
When he reappeared it was in Arden as a humble citizen of Craobh Beatha,
the capital city. Though he often serves as Julian's advisor, he has
politely refused any sort of formal position within the kingdom. He
is a poet and a sorcerer, with both arts much affected by his time in the
forest and the company of those who dwell there.
Captain of the
Rangers, he is steadfastly devoted to the service of king and
country. He's a bit young for a commanding officer but his raw
ability and commanding air leave little doubt as to why Julian picked him
for the job. He's a bit stiff for a man of Arden, though he
usually manages to loosen up come festival time
Julian's only son, the result of the king's overzealous performance at the
first Spring Festival held in Arden the year of its founding.
He's a bit darker in mood than his charming sister, though neither angry
nor sullen. He's a bit like nature, alternately kind or cruel as he
sees fit. Holli disappears into the forest for weeks, sometimes
months at a time, often returning with the skins, claws, horns or teeth of
strange creatures, which he hangs in or about his small, simple dwelling
outside of town.
Beautiful, good
natured and soft spoken, Ivy is the middle of Julian's three
children. She is a skilled potter and sculptor and runs her own
small shop in Craobh Beatha's arts district. Her sunny disposition
is unwavering and infectious.
Once Arden's defender, he is now it's king, ruling
over a large but close-knit forest community that spans several Shadows.
He is adored by his subjects, if not by his siblings, most of whom look
upon his kingdom as a refuge for misfits and an escape from his true
responsibility. Nevertheless, all know better than to try and take
him on in his home territory. He puts in only a rare appearance in
Amber, often to help maintain the peace at the infrequent family summits
atop mount Kolvir. Even more renowned than his even-handed and
benevolent rule of Arden are the festivals held there -- grand affairs
that last for several days. See Places: Arden for a list of
Tall, blond and
dread-locked, Justin is a member of Arden's vast and colorful artistic
community. He is a musician and apprentice instrument maker, and
when he's not performing in one of the local taverns he can usually be
found playing on street corners with a group of his peers.
Long absent from the arena of family politics, Benedict was unaware of the
extent to which the conflict between his brothers had grown. When
the search for Oberon was officially called off, he returned to Amber to
find the family divided and gearing up for an all-out war for the throne.
Seeking to preserve his father's kingdom, he called his forces to Amber,
ousting the warring factions and establishing himself as Amber's defender.
Ever since, he has remained in Amber, foiling the attempts of the others
to take the throne by force.
Bleys has made an impressive showing in the battle for the throne using
the Golden Circle Shadow of Montmorillon as his gateway into Amber. He has
not, however, entered the fray without a sense of humor, acting more as
spoiler to Eric and Corwin's efforts than truly advancing his own cause.
His true intentions remain unclear.
Few want to see the end of the fighting more than Caine. Commander
of Amber's Northern Fleet, he resents the responsibility of constantly
defending Amber from attacks by sea and yearns for his former life as a
swashbuckler and rake, when he had a girl in every port and concerned
himself mostly with the port in every girl.
Long before Oberon's disappearance, Corwin and Eric were involved in a
raging contest of one-up-manship. Even as he searched through Shadow
for his missing father, Corwin began to amass an army, concealing it in
his Shadow of Avalon. His plan had been to march straight into Amber
and plant himself on the throne once it was established that Oberon was
truly lost, not so much to satisfy his own ambition as to keep it from
Eric. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one with that idea.
It surprised no one that Deirdre sided with Corwin and in fact most
suspect that she had already done so before the collective shit began to
hit the fan. She thrives on conflict, making no secret of her fondness for
negative situations and has thrown herself headlong into the task of
putting Corwin on the throne of Amber.
Despite the fact that he was never formally acknowledged as a Prince of
Amber, Eric made no secret of his intention to someday inherit the throne
from Oberon. Too bold was he in his assertions, however, since many
immediately looked to him as the reason behind Oberon's sudden and
mysterious disappearance, a charge which he emphatically denies. Far
from his goal, he remains unwelcome in the kingdom he believes should be
his own, staging frequent attacks from the nearby Golden Circle kingdom of
Though most would assume that Fiona had joined in
Bleys' bid for the throne, some suspect that it may be the other way
around. It was Fiona's sorcery that opened new paths through Shadow
into Amber once the way through Arden was closed.
Working for Eric's cause, she has spent much of her time at court in the
kingdoms of the Golden Circle, gathering information and allies.
Ever adept at coming out a winner, Flora has found herself waiting far too
long for results and lately has come to resent her choice. She
fears, however, that there is no place for her elsewhere among her
siblings, and so she remains by Eric's side.
Constant and dutiful, Gerard commands the Southern Fleet of Amber's Royal
Navy, policing trade routes and doing what he can to cut off supplies to
his over ambitious siblings. When the conflict began he was certain that
those involved would come to their senses before long and end it
peacefully. 200 years later his only hope is that they will all
survive long enough to see it done.
Formerly Amber's juvenile delinquent and resident
homicidal little fink, Random has allied himself with Corwin and Deirdre.
His role in events has not been a very active one and seems motivated less
by support for Corwin than by fear and distrust of everyone else.
The princess of Rebma prefers to remain firmly uninvolved in family
politics. However, the recent mining of Amber's waters and the constant
harassment of allies near Amber's shipping lanes have forced her and the
queen to act. Their efforts are not intended to aid either Amber or
those who seek to invade it, but rather focus on the defense of their own
second-in-command of Benedict's army, he now commands a formidable force
of his own as the ruler of the kingdom of Haversham. Put in
place to block a direct route into Amber, he knew little of what it took
to be a king, but he has learned over time, winning over the conquered
inhabitants of his land and even managing to sway them to his former
general's cause.

DANAE (Land of the Fae) AURELIA
Queen of the
playful -- often too playful -- Mayim tribe. They live in a
permanent settlement in the heart of their territory, a land that consists
almost entirely of solid forest. The structure of their tribe is
informal, though everyone is expected to do their share when it comes to
supporting the tribe. Despite their childish size and nature, they
are skilled hunters and warriors. Aurelia herself changes both her
moods and her physical form with the seasons, the weather, the phases of
the moon, or sometimes on a whim, which makes her more than a little bit
Queen of the Derechim, a
nomadic band of faerie who often travel as a flock of colorful birds,
which, in addition to getting them quickly to their destination -- though
they rarely have one in mind -- also provides them ample opportunity to
express their opinion about anyone walking beneath them. They are
not territorial, allowing neighboring tribes to pass through their lands
and sometimes venturing out of their own boundaries. They are a
curious and friendly people, unlikely to take sides or even join in
any conflict.
Unlike the others
her kingdom is rigidly structured, with a written set of laws and
punishments for breaking them. Her rule, however, is not
unreasonable, and her people are happy and well cared-for. The
"center" of her kingdom is a palace with tall, ornate spires and
walls of stone and hammered silver. Each morning, the palace
vanishes when touched by the sun's light, only to reappear somewhere else
in the kingdom -- though not necessarily on the ground -- when night
falls again.