She lives in
Craobh Beatha in a big, sprawling house, that is full of light and air and
cheer; a place seemingly always ringing with laughter. All are welcome
there. To pass the time and earn her way, she makes toys. Lots of toys.
All kinds of toys (definition of toys very, very liberal). And nothing
delights her more than giving them away. In fact, it's most unlikely that
anyone she's met doesn't own one of one sort or another.
A dashing figure, his demeanor and appearance so like Bleys, but he favors darker hues than his Father, to contrast his bright hair and fair complexion, he chooses colors of green and black, though green does tend to dominate. He has also been seen in a military uniform of black and silver, similar to the uniform of a French Musketeer…His personal symbol is a flaming green pentagram, on a field of black. Charlie
blundered into town bleeding and carrying dire news, a newcomer to the
Kingdom of the Forest, and now seems to have gone native...
Luca seems to have several strings to her bow (actually, she's not bad at using one of those, either), with some aptitude in both the military and arcane arts - she's known to be a sorceress, specializing in spells that are of use in Arden, but her actual day job is as one of the officers in the Arden border guard. She has a
small, single-story, detached place, on the edge of town, with a tiny
patch of garden, mainly made up of grass and trees. Anyone who's visited -
which I guess is most of you, as she's a fairly sociable character - will
know that as well as the usual rooms, she has a large study come lab come
studio, and that her hobbies include painting and music. She lives alone,
apart from her pet cat - a calico named Taisha - although she has quite a
few friends in town and they occasionally stay over of an evening.
He's quite a busy man: he trains Julian's Stormhounds and he keeps bees. He owns a popular restaurant in Craobh Beatha called "The Elysian Vineyard" restaurant. He also makes four liquors: a mead, a vodka, a liqueur, and a beer. He lives outside of town in a comfortable cabin. His best friend is Hollikin, and he has an on-again, off-again relationship (mostly off-again) with Ivy, Hollikin's sister. Visit
Romeo's web
Storm's web
Some six or so years back, objective Arden time, this teenager turned up in Craobh Beatha. She was skinny and feral, dressed in primitive leathers. Rumor has it that she comes from the Deep Tribes, a rather isolationist and mysterious group of, er, somethings that live in the most ancient, and often most dangerous, places in Arden. The girl claimed that her name was Whisper-Of-Soft-Rain-On-The-Forest, and that she was Julian's daughter. Julian, not seeming particularly surprised, confirmed this. The issue of legitimacy was not raised by father or daughter, but common consensus among those who care is that she's likely illegitimate. Whisper took up residence a little ways outside of the town, and proceeded to make herself into a gigantic headache for everyone she met. With a huge ego and an attitude to match, not to mention a chip on her shoulder the size of a building, she endeared herself to basically nobody. She frequently was involved in trying to show up her elder half-brother, Hollikin, at such activities as shooting, racing, etc. Anything physical. And most especially hunting. She was usually markedly unsuccesful at doing so. About a year after her precipitous arrival, Whisper, just as precipitously, left, and was unheard of for five years. Then, less than a month ago, she showed up again. She has, perhaps, mellowed a little bit, or maybe it's just that she's not been seeking the spotlight as actively. Thus
far, she's kept a fairly low profile since her return. |